Diving Into My Life

Hey guys!

I just thought today would be a perfect day to tell you a little about me because I haven’t yet! Here are some random facts!

1. I am one of 4 kids, me being in a set of triplets.

2. I absolutely love looking at inspirational quotes and pictures…they make my life:)

3. I have a fish named Beyonce( she’s fierce)

4. JennaMarbles on youtube is so fricken funny and basically her videos are the only thing I look forward to on Wednesdays

5. I am a highschool student.

6. I love to make people smile, and I am always smiling.

7. I have blonde hair. BLONDES HAVE MORE FUN:)

8. I am a swimmer

9. I am fantastic at procrastinating and memorizing information right before a test.

10. I love blogging! and it makes my day when people leaving comments so please please leave a comment if you have anything to say because I will respond and check out your blog too!

Thanks lovelies,

your blonde blogging bud:)

Scary Moment in My Life

Hi guys!

I wanted to share a little story with my viewers about a very scary thing that happened to me one time.

So, my mom and my two sisters were doing some grocery shopping at Publix one lazy Sunday afternoon last summer. We were just going up and down the aisles, when all of a sudden in our peripheral vision we see an old man grab onto a shelf and then fall to the ground, passed out cold. We all saw this at the same time, and thank goodness so did a couple other people. The old man’s face was grey and ashy, almost the same color as the floor.Our hearts started racing with the realization that we were the ones to help this man.  A woman and my oldest sister helped the man up and held onto him. My other sister and I ran up to the front desk to get the manager, as someone dials 911. The old man starts gaining more color and says he is fine so the lady and my sister let him be, but a couple seconds later he fell right down again.

We all knew something was seriously wrong. So much adrenaline was running through everyone’s veins and we all just stood there waiting for the paramedics to come help this man. We got him a chair and food and he began to look back to normal. Thank goodness for the amazing people around and Publix manager that helped this man.

So, the moral of my story today is that not all things are bad in this world. With the growth of social media(I’m a teen I know) and with electronics and such, there are still good people out there that will take initiative and will do what others would rather just stand back and not do.

Thanks so much guys for reading….If you like this you are fricken awesome and if you comment you make my life! Any comment or like will definitely get a view and comment or like on their blog as well!

Thanks lovelies,

blog buddy angel face:)

AND that is how my username was born

Hey friends!

Today I wanted to share with you the inspiration that “gave birth” to my username. My username nothinbutamemory comes from Miranda Lambert’s song “The House that Built Me”. She talks about returning to the house where she was raised so that she could find herself again.

This song is really meaningful to me. I wish to value everything that I have and realize in every moment how lucky I am just to be here. I wish for me and for you all that you can find yourself and develop a passion for life.

Therefore, the username nothinbutamemory means to me that you cannot really realize the value of a precious moment until you look back on it and find it has become a memory.

LOVE you all,

your bloggosphere friend

BEST Pinterest pictures of today

Hey lovelies,

Today as I was(am still) procrastinating for studying for a quiz and test, I went on Pinterest and I wanted to share with you guys my favorite pictures from there today!!!!!


Thanks for reading guys…and pretty please with like 10 million cherries on top like this post if you enjoyed it and go ahead and check out my other posts….or maybe just follow me?hehehe:)

fierce and love(in the name of Tyra Banks),

bloggy buddy


Hey guys! I just wanted to share with y’all(yes I’m from the South) a couple quotes that are inspirtational or meaningful or just plain funny to me!

“No matter how old you are, no matter how badass you think you are, if a toddler
hands you their ringing toy phone, you answer it.”

“I don’t want to brag or make anybody jealous, but…..i can still fit into the earrings I wore in highschool”

“Remember, fat lasts longer than flavor”

“Laughing so hard, no noise is coming out, so you sit there clapping like a retarded seal”

“Life is short. ; break the rules, forgive quickly, love truly, laugh uncontrollably, and never regret anything that made you smile”

“Great minds discuss ideas. average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.”

“Let your faith be bigger than your fear.”

Thanks guys as usual and if you liked any of these quotes please give this post a LIKE:) and if you want, post your favorite quote because I would love to read them…

If you post a comment I will check out your blog!

Love ya,

bloggy buddy:)

Best Babysitting Story Ever

Hey guys! wazzzz up buttercups??

So Saturday night I was babysitting for these two adorable little girls, ages 7 and 5.

Before bed, they wanted to read stories, and the younger one,little Katie, decides to read one of her “tough kindergarten books” aka there is about 5 words per page. Now just picture this- two adorably cute little girls sitting on a bed in their princess jammies with the scent of fresh shampoo in the air. Yep that cute.

SO anyways Katie begins to read a book about a duck named Gus. The sentence is:

Gus is a big duck.

So little Katie, trying so hard, sounds out every word=

Gus- is- a b-ig- dick.

Whoa Whoa Whoa….hahaha thats right! It was so cute and funny that it took every cell in my body just to contain myself and not die laughing…. Haha Gus is a big duck, Katie!

So there is a story from my weekend…hope yours was as slap-your-knee funny!

P.S. made $50:) I’m makin paper:)

see ya soon,<3

blog buddy

Pictures that WOWED Me


hey guys! Hope you have a wonderful rest of the weekend! Love you all and hope you find these photos as sexy, hilarious, fashionista-ish, inspiring, and cute as I did! Please follow me, comment, and like this post and check out my others if these made you giggle!

Love ya,

bloggy buddy friend face:)

Dear blank please blank….

Hi friends,

i was on this website called dearblankpleaseblank, and I wanted to share with you some of my favorites that made me laugh!

1.Dear overweight people,

Do double chins run in your family?

Sincerely, oh wait, nothing runs in your family.


Dear Boyfriend,

I can make your girlfriend scream louder than you can.

Sincerely, Spiders


Dear Brain,

Why do you always play a random song in my head while I’m taking a test?

Sincerely, failing my spanish quiz to the tune of “Hakuna Matata.”


Dear groceries,

I don’t care if you weigh 3000 pounds. I don’t care if I break both wrists and forearms carrying all of you in.


5.Dear text message,

Oh, that sounds harsh.

Sincerely, I’ll just add an LOL to it.

HAHAHA I thought these were funny. Thanks so much for reading and if you have any dearblankpleaseblank that you like please post them below as a comment. Or if you want to just post whatever random thing you want, thats AWESOME because I love reading all of your comments!

love ya,

your bloggosphere awesome quirky friend buddy



Confidence is Attractive

Hey my bloggy friends! Today I wanted to talk about an issue that I see everyday in high school and that is CONFIDENCE…

I see all these girls everywhere who are gorgeous, but they are so self conscious about the way that they look. It hurts me to see such pretty girls and guys even too who are too scared to be themselves that they just float by and wish they were other people.

So today I have some advice…

1. If there is something that you don’t like about yourself, change it! The only thing stopping you is yourself.

2. If you gossip about others to make you look cooler, people don’t care if you have to latest snitch on everyone. It makes you look like you have no life and that you have nothing more interesting to talk about than other people and their shit.

3. Don’t EVER let anyone tell you that you are not good enough, not important, not special. Anyone that says you aren’t pretty is 1. self conscious and 2. probably jealous of you because of your looks or personality or niceness or because you have friends and they don’t because they are mean.

I could go on all day about the shit that people care about that doesn’t matter, but the message I want to help everyone out there with is that you are the best version of yourself…just the way you are!

If anyone things otherwise- FUCK THEM! you dont need their opinion to convince yourself that you are good enough.

YOU are YOU and that is NEVER gonna change so don’t try to be someone else….You will always be you so you might as well live it.

Always remember-


peace out my perfect wonderful viewers,

love always,

your internet, bloggosphere, awesome as fuck buddy:)