Would you eat this??

Hey guys its a beautiful friday!!! The sun is shining, the weekend is about to be in full bloom, so I wanted to make you giggle with the most sexual fruit I’ve ever seen.





awwwwwww yeah this fruit be getting everybody pregnant!

hahaha no but seriously this tickled my funny bone so I wanted to share it with you lovelies!!

Have a great rest of the day and weekend….


PLEASE comment below your favorite fruit or if you are really fucking awesome you can leave your own picture of “developed” fruit:))) thanks guys

How could you be sad after seeing this?


So guys today was just a normal boring day for me…School was just alright and stuff but thats not the point. Its a Thursday which SUCKS because you have to wait a whole nother(is that a word?) just to be released into the weekend. So if any of you guys are just trying to hang on, heres an amazing picture for you all. This will make you happy all of a sudden. Its the best







I’ve ever seen….


haha awwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So keep hanging on there guys and have a great rest of the day:))))


Aaaahhhhhhhhh………Procrastination. That little devil inside you that tricks you into thinking you have all the time in the world. What do you do to procrastinate? My personal favorite are:

1. eating a snack(im addicted to flaming hot cheetos)

2. YOUTUBE(jennamarbles is amazing!)

3. tv shows on my laptop

4. taking a nap

5. staring and doing absolutely nothing

6. painting my nails

7. doing my hair

Although some of these don’t apply to you if you’re a guy, its the same thing for you too. We don’t wanna work….We’ll do anything just to convince ourselves that we have SO many important things to do that we don’t have time to start that project, do that business proposal, or study for that test. But guess what: time flies when you are procrastinating. So, maybe the rest of this week you can set a goal with me to stop procrastinating and get off our lazy asses and just do whatever we don’t wanna! Because guess what, I did a research paper rough draft in one night, and it isn’t fucking fun.


Your lazy as fuck, procrastinating on a project right now as I write this blog, adorable, bloggosphere buddy


So, some days awkward shit happens. For example, running into the hottest guy in the whole school who just so happens to be the star quarterback. Or seeing a weird kid from your grade at Target and feeling like you have to say hi just so that you won’t keel over and die from the awkward tension in the air. Or sticking your hand up to respond to someone’s high five, but realizing a second too late that they were trying to high five someone else. And yes, I have seen all of this happen in the past 2 weeks. So my message for all you people who feel like the awkwardness is everywhere, just waiting for the perfect time to attack you. Its not. Its probably just you. Maybe you should relax and be yourself for a while and  things won’t be so awkward….it might even feel normal. The horror.

One of those days…….

Dear Debbie Downer,
Sometimes we have great days. We smile, we laugh, we grow the bonds of love between friends and family. Some days we feel fantastic, healthy, friendly, and like a great person. But some days, we feel like crap. We feel tired, crabby, anxious, nervous, and annoyed. For all you people on diets, sometimes you feel even worse. We try to keep up with our diet most days, but the days we are upset and on a diet are the worst. So to all you people who like to complain about your suckish day and life, go eat a mutha fucking cookie or muffin or shit. YOU. ARE. WELCOME.
the entire world